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early modern history

Das Weblog finde ich sehr uninteressant. Langweilige Konferenzankündigungen wechseln sich ab mit Fotos von Wissenschaftlern und sporadischen anderen Meldungen zur frühneuzeitlichen englischen Geschichte. Merke: early modern meint für UK/US-Blogger vor allem Shakespeare und Umfeld.

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Klaus Graf (22. Juli 2010). early modern history. Archivalia. Abgerufen am 14. September 2024 von

Autor: Klaus Graf

Historiker und Archivar, Blogger

9 Gedanken zu „early modern history“

  1. Odd Post “Everything Early Modern Women,” which you mention here, is primarily a place to find conference announcements that are interesting to scholars of early modern women (there is not another resource that sorts through all the CFPs like I do for this topic), but I also occasionally post book reviews written by my graduate students or other things of interest. The blog itself is not meant to be a space where I think through problems in early modern studies generally. I understand that it does not interest you, though I am not sure why it bothers you so.

    1. Then leave it be The goal and scope of the blog is clearly stated on the About page: That section is there to help readers decide what they do and do not want to read. This “about” section should make it clear that you would not find the blog interesting. If the section said “Come read my blog! It is perfect for everyone and gets deep into the heart of things!” but the blog was mostly CFPs then you would have a point.
      But it does not pretend to be anything other than what it is.

      Are you of the belief that you can go into a post office and yell at them for selling stamps when they should be selling books? or milk? or juice?

    2. Do’nt be silly You can easily rename your blog “Boring CfPs for Early Modern Gender Studies” instead of:


      If I go in a building called “Post office” and there is a book store in …

    3. Flexibility Needed I am still not sure I see why it bothers you. Certainly it is more CFPs than anything else, in part because of time constraints, and I admit as much in the “About” section. I have a number of readers who really appreciate what I do–that is sift through many many more CFPs to pick out the ones that would be interesting to scholars of early modern women. I am not a blogger of thoughts, and do not pretend to be. You seem to be bothered by my title? Perhaps it has to do with the difference in the way we look at the word “things.” I have always meant this blog to be open to change and therefore gave it a title that would allow me to post a CFP one day and then an announcement of a new journal the next without being restricted.
      I am also in part offended by your flagrant use of the word “boring.” There are many things in this world that do not interest me, but I certainly would not go around asking people to add “boring” to titles having to do with those things as if I were the high ruler of all ideas sanctioned interesting. And I am pretty sure most people who compose those CFPs would be equally annoyed.

  2. Early Modern History In diesem Monat die 99 Beiträge sind gestiegen: weniger als einer von sechs Abdeckungen Konferenzen oder Konferenzprogramme.

  3. Early Modern History You are, of course, entitled to your opinion. But many historians like to see what the programmes of conferences they are unable to attend might be and the titles of seminars being given here in the United Kingdom or elsewhere. I do not put up pictures of scientists by the way. I certainly do, however, link to items of interest in the early modern period on other blogs. If you wish to improve my blog, send me some contributions in any European language.

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