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Digitized de Ricci Manuscript Notes

In collaboration with the Senate
House Library at the University of London, the Schoenberg Center for Electronic
Text & Image at the University of Pennsylvania is pleased to announce the
creation of the Seymour de Ricci Bibliotheca Britannica Manuscripta Digitized
Archive, a corollary project to the Schoenberg Database of Manuscripts.

The archive is a searchable database
containing the digitized notes of the historian and bibliographer Seymour
Montefiore Robert Rosso de Ricci (1881-1942) made for the compilation of his
unfinished census of pre-1800 manuscripts in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. De Ricci’s notes, compiled in thirty-four
boxes containing over 60,000 index cards are currently housed in the Senate
House Library. The first cards are now available online in downloadable pdf
format. More will become available as they are scanned and processed. New cards
will be added daily until the project is completed in the Summer of 2011.

Der Wert dieser Notizen erscheint mir nach einigen Stichproben doch als äußerst begrenzt.

OpenEdition schlägt Ihnen vor, diesen Beitrag wie folgt zu zitieren:
Klaus Graf (7. Dezember 2010). Digitized de Ricci Manuscript Notes. Archivalia. Abgerufen am 6. Februar 2025 von

Autor: Klaus Graf

Historiker und Archivar, Blogger

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