The Project aims at facilitating access to the growing number of available Persian historical deeds and documents, both published and unpublished. It shall allow work on archival material with the help of incorporated facsimiles without recourse to the original – often remote – place of publication or storage.
The Database includes “public” and “private” documents: royal decrees and orders, official correspondence, and shari’a court documents, such as contracts of sale and lease, vaqf deeds, marriage contracts, and court orders. It also serves as a bibliographic reference tool, being a continually updated repertoire of published historical documents.
A Research Project of the Iranian Studies Division at the Centre of Near and Middle Eastern Studies, Philipps-Universität Marburg.
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Klaus Graf (24. Januar 2011). An Image Database of Persian Historical Documents from Iran and Central Asia up to the 20th Century. Archivalia. Abgerufen am 14. Februar 2025 von