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Plagiate: Viele Doktorarbeiten der Päpstlichen Universität Gregoriana sind abgeschrieben

“It is one problem for a student to plagiarize material and go undetected; it is a far more serious problem if a university is aware of plagiarism and tacitly endorses this practice by allowing plagiarists to continue to enjoy the fruits of their theft and deception,” he said.

“If an institution of higher education cannot distinguish genuine from non-genuine dissertations, even awarding prizes to the latter, then we have an institution in crisis,” Dougherty told CNA.

“In this case, Father Schachenmayr identified the problem, and the Pontifical Gregorian University doubled down in response. In my view, the Pontifical Gregorian University’s 2020 defense (and 2021 defense) of the defective dissertation is worse than the fact that the dissertation is defective. Failure by a single individual is bad, but institutional corruption is a failure on a different order of magnitude.”

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Klaus Graf (15. Dezember 2021). Plagiate: Viele Doktorarbeiten der Päpstlichen Universität Gregoriana sind abgeschrieben. Archivalia. Abgerufen am 13. Februar 2025 von

Autor: Klaus Graf

Historiker und Archivar, Blogger

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