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Handschriften-Digitalisate aus Neuseeland

“The Library is currently digitising selected manuscripts from this collection where condition allows, and the results can be viewed through the TAPUHI database. To date MSR-02, MSR-03, MSR-05, MSR-06, and MSR-11 have been fully digitised.

2 = Horae 1425-1475
3 = Antiphonarium 2. H. 15. Jh. Written for the Augustinian abbey of the Sisters of the Common Life at Amersfoort; inside the upper cover of the binding is the contemporary ownership inscription ‘Liber co[n]vent[us] s[anc]ti monaliu[m] s[anc]te Agathe v[ir]gi[ni]s Am[er]sfor.e’.
5 = Boethius: De musica, ca. 1120-50
6 = Breviarium 2. H. 14. Jh.
11 = Horae ca. 1511 Executed in Eastern France (Lorraine) in the first quarter of the 16th century. There are two contemporary inscriptions apparently by the scribe, although in slightly different ink, inserted into the text: ‘laus christe scripsit frater Iohannes de Malzevilla, 1511’ (f.16v) and ‘ Malzevilla carme.ta conventus baccareti me scripsit’ (f.58v).The Carmelite convent at Baccaret was founded in 1433 by Thierry de Boppard, Bishop of Metz, in 1379. It was suppressed in 1789. On f.17, facing the first inscription by the scribe, is a figure of a kneeling Carmelite friar with his name in a red scroll in the lower border: ‘F.[. .].P.d’ARGENT’, that is Frere Pandargent, Prior of Baccarat in 1505. Very probably the book was made in the abbey by Friar Iohannes de Malzeville for the personal use of the Prior.

Book of Hours, Use of Carmel, f.66v (157 x 110 mm), ca.1511, MSR-11

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Klaus Graf (17. März 2011). Handschriften-Digitalisate aus Neuseeland. Archivalia. Abgerufen am 11. Februar 2025 von

Autor: Klaus Graf

Historiker und Archivar, Blogger

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