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Über 100 Handschriften aus St. Gallen und der Reichenau online

Since the first half of the ninth century, the librarians at the monasteries of Reichenau and St. Gall kept records of the books owned by the monasteries. Both possessed extensive libraries, which contained books produced in their own scriptoria as well as those acquired elsewhere. Many of these books survive to this day. The manuscripts collected here are intended to be a virtual presentation of the two monasteries’ libraries as they were in the ninth century. These manuscripts give us a window into the intellectual context that inspired the creation of the Plan and informed the monastic tradition visible in the Plan.

By selecting one of the manuscripts from the drop-down menu on the left, you can examine that manuscript page by page. Each manuscript is accompanied by a table of contents and codicological description. Further bibliography on the manuscripts and their contents can be found via links to the International Medieval Bibliography and the Lexikon des Mittelalters (n.b.: these are external sites with subscription requirements). For some manuscripts, a standard edition text for a work within the codex has been provided, and for a small portion, there are also English translations. Please note that in most instances these are not transcriptions of the manuscript.

By June 2012 the virtual library will contain 168 manuscripts. The process of expansion begins with the publication of images of the manuscripts, and is followed by adding the table of contents for each manuscript and a codiocological description. Manuscripts that are already have some cataloging information are indicated with an asterisk next to their shelfmark in the drop-down menus. Currently there is no search function available for the library, but a brief catalog of the contents is available here (note: the production blog can be searched via the option in the upper left corner). We shall also be adding a series of virtual tours of the library, which will highlight selected manuscripts and will provide insight into the life of the monasteries of Reichenau and St. Gall as well as the Carolingian world that sustained them.

Terms of Use: The manuscripts on this site are provided solely for individual, non-commercial use. Reproduction of these images for publication, redistribution, licensing or sale is not permitted, nor is downloading of the images. All images are provided by the permission of the institutions that own the images and/or manuscripts. All inquiries concerning downloading or reproduction should be referred to the owning institution. Contact information for the owning institution is provided with each manuscript. By proceeding past this page into the virtual library, users agree to these terms.

Zugänge vermerkt das Blog:

Da sowohl die BLB Karlsruhe ihre Reichenauer Handschriften digitalisiert als auch die Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen ihre frühmittelalterlichen Codices sind die Digitalisate vor allem dann von Bedeutung, wenn die Handschriften dort noch nicht vorliegen sowie bei dem in anderen Bibliotheken (Cambridge, Neapel, Wien usw.) gelandetem Streugut.

So löst sich übrigens auch das in

thematisierte Rätsel. Die Digitalisate des Projekts liegen auch auf dem UCLA-Server:


OpenEdition schlägt Ihnen vor, diesen Beitrag wie folgt zu zitieren:
Klaus Graf (26. Mai 2011). Über 100 Handschriften aus St. Gallen und der Reichenau online. Archivalia. Abgerufen am 13. Februar 2025 von

Autor: Klaus Graf

Historiker und Archivar, Blogger

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