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Weitere deutschsprachige Handschriften der UPenn online

Einn schönn neu Liedt vonn dem abgefallnenn unnd ubell erweldenn Bischoff von Collnn, im Thonn wie mann denn armenn Judas singt. [manuscript].
[Cologne?, after 1583]
Physical description:
1 leaf : paper ; 320 x 212 (285 x 160) mm. bound to 332 x 226 mm.
Song in 9 stanzas concerning the marriage of Gebhard, Archbishop of Cologne, and his consequent deposition from his office, events that took place in 1583; intended to be sung to the tune of the popular church song “O du armer Judas.” The song uses Latin phrases at the ends of lines, apparently in a humorous vein.


Der Bischoff zue Cöllen, den Maleuolis vnd bellenden Hundtenn herwieder…. [etc.] [manuscript].
[Cologne?, after 1583]
Physical description:
4 leaves : paper ; 320 x 223 (250-270 x 170-208) mm. bound to 330 x 230 mm.
Works 2 and 3 in the codex are songs, of 9 and 10 numbered stanzas, respectively, concerning the marriage of Gebhard, Archbishop of Cologne, and his consequent deposition from his office, events that took place in 1583. Both songs use Latin phrases at the ends of lines, apparently in a humorous vein. The title of work 2 indicates that it is to be sung to the tune of the popular church song “O du armer Judas.” Work 1 is a cautionary poem about pride and arrogance in maidens. The last work consists of just one stanza and concerns the Catholic clergy and women.


Blarer, Jacques-Christophe, de Wartensee, b. 1542.
Kurtze Verzeichnus was auf den drittenn Tag Heuwmonats A[nn]o [15]82 zwijschen Herrenn Jacob Christoffel Blaarer Bischoff zu Brundruth [und den?] Unnderthonen der Herrschaft zu Pfeffingen, durch die Gesandten der siben catholischen Orthen der Eijdtgnossschaft, als Lutzern, Urij, Schwijtz, Underwalden, Zug, Frijburg und Solothurn, von wegen Religions sachen fürgenom[m]en uund verhandlet worden, wie volgt [manuscript].
[Basel-Landschaft?, Switzerland], 1582.
Physical description:
17 leaves : paper ; 304-306 x 193-200 (240 x 140) mm. bound to 310 x 205 mm.
Copy of records of meetings and letters exchanged in connection with negotiations that took place from 3 July (Heuwmonat) to around mid or late August 1582, among Jacques-Christophe Blarer de Wartensee (Jakob Christoph Blarer von Wartensee), Bishop of Basel; the leadership of the district or bailiwick (Herrschaft, Vogtij, Ampt) of Pfeffingen (today located in the district of Arlesheim in the canton Basel-Landschaft, also called Baselland, Switzerland), which fell within Blarer’s jurisdiction; and emissaries of the 7 Catholic cantons of the Swiss Confederation allied with Blarer: Luzern, Uri, Schwyz, Unterwalden, Zug, Freiburg, and Solothurn. Pfeffingen had earlier come under the influence of the Reformation and these negotiations marked the beginning of Blarer’s introduction of the Counter-Reformation there. The copies of the 8 documents appear to form a unit, transcribed together

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Klaus Graf (14. Juli 2011). Weitere deutschsprachige Handschriften der UPenn online. Archivalia. Abgerufen am 15. September 2024 von

Autor: Klaus Graf

Historiker und Archivar, Blogger

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