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Video: "rooster / granule act _1"

rooster / granule act _1 from Create an Accident on Vimeo.

“Create an Accident /
Strategies of small shifts /
2011 – 2012 /
presents :

rooster / granule act _1


The visual artist rooster through his work granule renegotiates our relationship with the cityscape.

Using the persistence of an archivist and the methodology of an urban planner, rooster selects integral pieces of a city’s architecture and he modifies / repairs them, intending on a mild visual intervention on the cityscape.

The evaluation of uniqueness for every spot (historical, cultural, economic, etc) in combination with the use of a non binding technique for each one of them, creates an exclusive comment / intervention on the relationship between human and urban environment.

Addressing on the relocation of resident’s / observer’s point of view, rooster actualizes small “weirdnesses” betting that either for a second either forever is possible to change the perception about what is familiar and the conviction about what constitutes the personal and communal history of people’s everyday life.

During the project, rooster will present on the web visual material and notes from the planning and the realization of his artwork.​in_progress/​granule/​​”

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wolfthomas (8. August 2011). Video: "rooster / granule act _1" Archivalia. Abgerufen am 12. Februar 2025 von

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