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Breaking Bad

“It reads like a horror story. In 1964, the New York rare book dealer Philip Duschnes (d. 1970) bought and subsequently broke a splendid medieval Bible produced in early-fourteenth-century Paris (Figure 1). Every page is adorned with exuberant decoration, usually with gold leaf. The manuscript also contains numerous historiated initials, like the letter S above. With so much beauty on each page, to Duschnes the manuscript must have seemed ideal for breaking and selling by the leaf. In 1965, he began offering individual leaves for sale in his catalogue 169, stating that others from the same manuscript were available. Cut to order.”

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Figure 1

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Klaus Graf (17. November 2019). Breaking Bad. Archivalia. Abgerufen am 12. Februar 2025 von

Autor: Klaus Graf

Historiker und Archivar, Blogger

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