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Unverantwortlich: Jewish Theological Seminary verscherbelt Inkunabeln

“The JTS Library houses the greatest collection of Judaica in the Western Hemisphere”, behauptet die Bibliothek, bietet aber besonders kostbare Judaica bei Sotheby’s am 11. Juni 2019 (Important Manuscripts, Continental Books and Music) an, nämlich sieben Inkunabeln, die im Interesse der Wissenschaft unbedingt in dieser öffentlichen Sammlung hätten belassen werden müssen.

Nr. 142
“ASTESANUS DE AST Summa de casibus conscentiae. [Basel: Michael Wenssler and Bernhard Richel, not after 1476]
Royal folio (388 × 290mm.), 432 leaves (for a detailed collation please see the printed catalogue), double column, 61-62 lines, gothic type, two woodcut initials, red and blue lombard initials (larger initials with red penwork decoration), red and blue paragraph marks and capital strokes, contemporary German binding (Wolfgang Herolt, active in Erfurt 1471-1515, EDBD w000958) […]
Observant Franciscans of Dorsten, Westphalia, seventeenth-century inscription on first leaf, “Liber bibliothecae FF. Minorum Conventus Durstensis, anathema auferenti”; bibliographical note in French pasted to inside front cover; James Atkinson (1759-1839), bookplate, sale, Sotheby’s, 16 December 1851, lot 231 (as types of Mentelin), 4s 6d, to Lincoln (extract from sale catalogue pasted to inside front cover); Mayer Sulzberger (1843-1923), bookplate; Jewish Theological Seminary, bookplate and ink stamp”

Nr. 197
“MAIMONIDES, MOSES Aphorismi secundum doctrinam Galeni [with other medical texts]. Bologna: Franciscus (Plato) de Benedictis for Benedictus Hectoris, 29 May 1489 […]
Moritz Steinschneider (1816-1907), Hebrew scholar-bibliographer; his collection presented by Jacob H. Schiff to; Jewish Theological Seminary, presentation bookplate”

Nr. 204
“NICOLAUS DE LYRA Postilla super totam Bibliam. Rome: Conrad Sweynheym and Arnold Pannartz, 18 November 1471 […]
Michele Cavaleri (nineteenth-century Milanese art collector), his Museo Cavaleri stamp on second leaf; David N. Carvalho (1848-1925, of New York City), name on spine with the date 1906 (his incunabula sold by auction, New York, 1917), with extract from his catalogue pasted to inside front cover; Mayer Sulzberger, bookplate; Jewish Theological Seminary, bookplate”

Nr. 205
“NIGER, PETRUS Contra perfidos Judaeos de conditionibus veri Messiae [German] Stern des Meschiah. Esslingen: Conrad Fyner, 20 December 1477 […]
Arthur C. Lamport, presentation inscription to; The Jewish Theological Seminary”

Nr. 207
“OLDRADUS DE PONTE DE LAUDE Consilia et quaestiones [edited by Alphonsus de Soto]; Johannes Franciscus de Pavinis. Responsum de iure super controversia de puero Tridentino a Judaeis interfecto. Rome: apud Sanctum Marcum (Vitus Puecher), 1478 […]
The two supplementary quires, printed here for the first time, contain a lengthy legal responsum by Pavinis regarding the supposed ritual murder of the boy Simon of Trent. In the summer of 1475 Sixtus IV learned of the rapid trial and executions of the Jews of Trent, which seemed to impinge on his papal prerogatives. He sent a representative to investigate the matter, Battista dei Giudici, bishop of Ventimiglia; although a Dominican and no friend to the Jews, he was soon convinced that the trials had been corrupt, and that the Jews had been entirely innocent. This created a problem for Sixtus; the Prince-Bishop of Trent who had supported the trials, Johann Hinderbach, had powerful allies in both Church and Empire, and he also accused dei Giudici of collusion with the Jews. Sixtus appointed a commission of cardinals to investigate further, with Pavini as their legal consultant. Pavini was co-opted by Hinderbach, resulting in a delayed and mixed judgement, embodied in Sixtus’ papal bull of 20 June 1478. Sixtus declared that no cult of Simon as martyr was to be allowed, but that the original judicial process had been right and fair. Pavini convinced his friends in Trent to contribute 30 ducats for the costs of printing 300 copies of his Responsum, to be attached to his enlarged edition of the Consilia of Oldradus; and he seems to have been given an additional reward by Hinderbach. Besides defending the legitimacy of the trial against the Jews of Trent, Pavini argued that the forced conversion of the women and children of Trent was proper, despite Thomas Aquinas’s statements against forced conversions. […]
Augustinian canons of Gars, Upper Bavaria, inscription at start of table; Mortimer L. Schiff (1877-1921), morocco booklabel (not found in his 1938 sale catalogues, presumably donated to); Jewish Theological Seminary, bookplate and ink stamp”

Nr. 225
“SOMNIA DANIELIS [Rome: Bartholomaeus Guldinbeck, c. 1475]
Chancery quarto (213 x 143 mm.), 10 leaves, 28 lines, initial spaces, modern vellum, washed
First edition of this recension, and ONE OF THREE RECORDED COPIES.”

Das ist wirklich der Hammer, es gibt sonst nur Exemplare in der Huntington Library und in Stockholm. Ein Digitalisat existiert nicht, obwohl das JTS Digital Collections anbietet.

Nr. 231
“TUBERINUS, JOHANNES MATHIAS Relatio de Simone puero Tridentino. [Cologne: Printer of ‘Dialogus Salomonis et Marcolfi’, c. 1478-81] […]
Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, Réserve ink stamp and duplicate exchange stamp on first page, and paper inventory label on upper cover; Jewish Theological Seminary, bookplate”
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Klaus Graf (8. Juni 2019). Unverantwortlich: Jewish Theological Seminary verscherbelt Inkunabeln. Archivalia. Abgerufen am 7. Februar 2025 von

Autor: Klaus Graf

Historiker und Archivar, Blogger

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