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Japan: Situation of the film archives

” …. On that day, six members were in the office area. Half walked back home and the rest stayed there overnight, as all trains stopped in Tokyo and we could not take our eyes away from Twitter or NHK from Ustream. But eventually all of us were able to go back home safely the … „Japan: Situation of the film archives“ weiterlesen

An Image Database of Persian Historical Documents from Iran and Central Asia up to the 20th Century The Project aims at facilitating access to the growing number of available Persian historical deeds and documents, both published and unpublished. It shall allow work on archival material with the help of incorporated facsimiles without recourse to the original – often remote – place of publication or storage. The Database includes “public” and “private” … „An Image Database of Persian Historical Documents from Iran and Central Asia up to the 20th Century“ weiterlesen

National Film and Sound archive Australia: Info on disaster management flood/water damage to film

“A disaster can occur to an audiovisual materials collection as a result of long-term or short-term factors. Short-term factors involve the more commonly thought of disasters such as flood, fire and severe damage or destruction of the storage vaults. Long-term factors can include extended periods of storage where: * the relative humidity is high, especially … „National Film and Sound archive Australia: Info on disaster management flood/water damage to film“ weiterlesen

Archives on the web, Abstracts Sektion 1-2

Abstracts (in order of presentations) Manfred MATZKA (Wien/AT) “e-government 2.0” eGovernment is a synonym for a modern and innovative state in which quality, rust and speed are central elements. eGovernment includes the totality of ll electronic public administration services for the Austrian people. With it the access to and the contact with public authorities become … „Archives on the web, Abstracts Sektion 1-2“ weiterlesen

Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz will mich abzocken und fordert 250 Euro Anzahlung für Informationszugang

Soeben erreichte mich zu dem unter dokumentierten Skandal folgende Mail. Sehr geehrter Herr Dr. Graf, inzwischen konnte ich die für eine Beantwortung Ihrer am 22. Juli 2010 an die Frau Generaldirektorin der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Preußischer Kulturbesitz (SBB-PK) gerichteten E-Mail notwendigen Auskünfte einholen und den mit der Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG … „Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz will mich abzocken und fordert 250 Euro Anzahlung für Informationszugang“ weiterlesen

Archive und Kunst: Arnold Dreyblatt “The Great Archive”

The Great Archive from Arnold Dreyblatt on Vimeo. wooden boxes, inscribed plexiglass, illumination, 1993 A historical hypertext becomes a three-dimensional image. A black box is divided by four lateral sheets of glass inscribed from edge to edge with layers of finely printed texts. The text layers are illuminated from below. The texts are reconstructed from … „Archive und Kunst: Arnold Dreyblatt “The Great Archive”“ weiterlesen

Webliographer’s Manifesto WHY I AM GOING ON STRIKE When I got into the bibliography business, over a decade ago, text-posting was a new thing. Sites posting texts (both html transcripts and photographic reproductions) were first being established, it was a period of initial experimentation, so it was very understandable that each site went its own way … „Webliographer’s Manifesto“ weiterlesen

Gebühren für BLB und WLB: Politiker üben Kritik;art86,145889 Benutzergebühren für wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken treffen vor allem sozial Schwache und Selten-Nutzer. Gut Situierte fragen aber nach dem Preis-Leistungsverhältnis: was ist z.B. mit der Abzocke bei den Kopiergebühren (10 Cent/Kopie), wieso wird von den Bibliotheken so gut wie nichts digital ins Netz gestellt, wieso gibt es in der BLB anders als in Stuttgart keine vernünftigen … „Gebühren für BLB und WLB: Politiker üben Kritik“ weiterlesen