A look at the scholarship of Harvard’s famous Professor Andrew H. Knoll (comparing DASH and Google Scholar)
Andrew H. Knoll is * Fisher Professor of Natural History and * Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences * Curator of the Paleobotanical Collections in the Harvard University Herbaria http://www.oeb.harvard.edu/faculty/knoll/knoll-oeb.html http://www.eps.harvard.edu/people/faculty/knoll http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_H._Knoll Browsing by Harvard-affiliated Author “Andrew Herbert Knoll” in “DASH” (Digital Disappointing Access to Scholarship at Harvard, see http://archiv.twoday.net/stories/5918167) I found 100 articles. First … „A look at the scholarship of Harvard’s famous Professor Andrew H. Knoll (comparing DASH and Google Scholar)“ weiterlesen