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Canadiana Discovery Portal

CANADIANA DISCOVERY PORTAL We are pleased to announce a new version of the Canadiana Discovery Portal at This version of the discovery portal has a completely re-worked user interface to search the Canadian Metadata Repository which provides links to digital collections of several Canadian memory institutions. The Canadiana Discovery Portal can now search over … „Canadiana Discovery Portal“ weiterlesen

ICA´s Archivist of the month, June 2010: Tukul Walla Sepania Kaiku

Tukul Walla Sepania Kaiku is from the Pacific region from New Hanover Island within the New Ireland Province in a country called Papua New Guinea. Tukul Kaiku holds a Diploma in Secondary Teaching and a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Papua New Guinea and a Graduate Diploma in Information Management (Archives Administration) … „ICA´s Archivist of the month, June 2010: Tukul Walla Sepania Kaiku“ weiterlesen

Links zu Inkunabelkatalogen

S.a. for special libraries Albany: Duncan Cambell coll. 1908; Baltimore: Henry Walters coll., Olschki 1906; Berlin: Voulliéme 1906; Biberach: Boese 1979; Bologna: Caronti 1889; Bonn: Voulliéme 1894; Bremen: Elsmann 2005; Cambridge: Trinity Hall 1909; Fitzwilliam Museum: McClean, Sayle 1916; Corpus Christi College: Gaselee 1921; Chicago: Newberry lib., Butler 1919; Deventer: Kronenberg 1917; Edinburgh: Nicholson 1913; … „Links zu Inkunabelkatalogen“ weiterlesen

Raider of the lost archive. A privat world war II archive

” …. Three years ago, David Wills, a mutual friend and fellow member of Brooks’s Club in St James’s, London, organised a lunch there to introduce me to the man responsible for establishing the Sayer Archive. It was, Wills told me, one of the world’s largest collections of second world war-related original documentation in private … „Raider of the lost archive. A privat world war II archive“ weiterlesen

Finding & consulting medieval manuscripts

UPDATE: Please use the updated version at Robert D. Peckham writes: The Catalogue of Digitized Medieval Manuscripts shows that there are now connections with nearly 2300 mss entirely digitized which can be consulted on line. This is a wonderful team effort, clearly illustrating the virtue of work which aims to advance the scholarly … „Finding & consulting medieval manuscripts“ weiterlesen

Karikaturen als Geschichtsquellen

Bibliodyssey hat wieder einen wunderbaren Beitrag über Militär-Karikaturen: Quelle ist eine sehr reichhaltige digitale Sammlung der Brown University (Tipp: Suche nach Germany liefert über 600 Bilder zur deutschen Militärgeschichte) Im Internetarchiv gibt es neu ein Buch über die deutsche Karikatur im 19. Jahrhundert: Über das Schlagwort caricature findet man viele weitere einschlägige … „Karikaturen als Geschichtsquellen“ weiterlesen

Secret Destruction of Cardiff Heritage Collection

Presse Release, September 1, 2008 [Update to ] [Update: Some links at ] A last ditch attempt has been launched to stop Cardiff City Council from breaking up and selling off a national heritage collection of Cardiff Public Library’s rare books dating from the 15th century. Sales lists are now being drafted by … „Secret Destruction of Cardiff Heritage Collection“ weiterlesen

Crime Broadsides Just as programs are sold at sporting events today, broadsides — styled at the time as “Last Dying Speeches” or “Bloody Murders” — were sold to the audiences that gathered to witness public executions in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Britain. These ephemeral publications were intended for the middle or lower classes, and most sold for … „Crime Broadsides“ weiterlesen

Archive im Film

Untenstehend habe ich die zahlreichen Rückmeldungen zu meiner Anfrage über Archive im Spielfilm in der archivlist zusammengefasst. Records Management included. Herzlichen Dank an alle BeiträgerInnen! Helga Penz 1. April 2000 ——– Österreichischer Sci-Fi aus dem Jahr 1952. Nach unzähligen, ergebnislosen Verhandlungen mit den alliierten Siegermächten über die Unabhängigkeit Österreichs fordert der österreichische Ministerpräsident im Jahr … „Archive im Film“ weiterlesen

Copyfraud Most of the issues surrounding copyright are related to what bloggers and webmasters can and cannot reproduce on their own sites, but, open access aside, what about corporate copyright abuse. In this guest blog post Peter Lewis of the Open University in England gives us his opinion of copyright abuse in the commercial world. … „Copyfraud“ weiterlesen

Publishers want no free access to books Excerpt: Publishers’ attempts to shut out the “other internet players” are also being resisted by people who say the public should have “open access” to taxpayer-funded scholarly and scientific research. The open-access movement points out that academics, who type and illustrate their own work, might just as well put their articles on the internet … „Publishers want no free access to books“ weiterlesen

UK: Archival Database

The University of London Research Library Services (ULRLS) launched its new electronic catalogue for archives and manuscripts on 31 May 2007. […] The range of archive material held across ULRLS is extraordinarily diverse, covering many different aspects of British and world history over more than 1,000 years. Prominent among the collections held at Senate House … „UK: Archival Database“ weiterlesen

16 UK digitisation projects – but no OA

Peter Suber has blogged a JISC press release on the funding of 16 large projects. But will all of them be Open Access? Definitively no. JISC isn’t supporting OA to digitised heritage items. The National Archives’ project on the cabinet papers is – like the other project of this institution ( see ) … „16 UK digitisation projects – but no OA“ weiterlesen

Web Archiving Projects ResourceShelf has a very helpful list of Web Archiving projects. Before we begin, please note that this is far from comprehensive list. It’s just a beginning. Many large web archiving projects (in many languages) are coming online all of the time. Plus, others already exist that we did mention in this first go around. … „Web Archiving Projects“ weiterlesen

Film gegen Kulturvandalismus

Aus INETBIB Etwas off topic, aber vielleicht kann ja dieser Film von Stephen Poliakoff den Widerstand gegen solchen Kulturvandalismus inspirieren – in den USA gerade erschienen: in Großbritannien in dieser Box schon länger erhältlich: – sicherlich einer der besten Filme über die Arbeit von Archivaren. Peter Delin Zentral- und Landesbibliothek Berlin aus AMIA-L … „Film gegen Kulturvandalismus“ weiterlesen

Iraq: Archives devasted

Employees of Iraq’s National Library and Archives are struggling to overcome the destruction wrought during the first weeks of the U.S.-led war. Many irreplaceable documents, photographs, maps, and books — some centuries old — were either destroyed in the fighting or were stolen in the rampant looting that followed. A vital part of Iraq’s culture … „Iraq: Archives devasted“ weiterlesen

Murray Collection at Edinburgh

A Literary Treasure Trove for Scotland A unique multi-million pound treasure trove of writings from some of the greatest world figures of the past two hundred years could be on its way to the National Library of Scotland. This outstanding archive containing private letters, manuscripts and other correspondence from Jane Austen, Lord Byron, Sir Walter … „Murray Collection at Edinburgh“ weiterlesen

America and the Netherlands

The Library of Congress is pleased to announce the release of the online collection The Atlantic World: America and the Netherlands, available at the Library’s Global Gateway Web site: Developed by the Library of Congress in cooperation with the National Library of the Netherlands, this is the first stage of an ongoing project, The … „America and the Netherlands“ weiterlesen

Iraq’s lost treasures: MELCOM International Beirut Resolution

MELCOM INTERNATIONAL The European Association of Middle East Librarians / Association Européenne des Bibliothécaires du Moyen-Orient RESOLUTION MELCOM International, the European Association of Middle East Librarians, assembled in Beirut at its 25th annual conference Deplores the destruction and theft of Iraqi libraries, archives and their contents following the US and British led invasion and occupation … „Iraq’s lost treasures: MELCOM International Beirut Resolution“ weiterlesen