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Post-publication Peer Review with an Intention to Uncover Data/Result Irregularities and Potential Research Misconduct in Scientific Research: Vigilantism or Volunteerism?


Double-anonymized peer review is not the progressive answer to status bias

Horbach et al.: “Opting for double-anonymized peer review has far-reaching implications. It hinders the adoption of important open science practices, including fast dissemination through preprint servers, early sharing of protocols and data sets, and transparency about competing interests. As such, double-anonymized peer review impedes innovation in scholarly publishing. Crucial innovative developments such as preprinting, … „Double-anonymized peer review is not the progressive answer to status bias“ weiterlesen

eLife ends accept/reject decisions following peer review From January 31, 2023, eLife will instead publish every paper it reviews as a Reviewed Preprint, a new type of research output that combines the manuscript with eLife’s detailed peer reviews and a concise assessment of the significance of the findings and quality of the evidence. Michael Eisen, eLife Editor-in-Chief, says: “By relinquishing the … „eLife ends accept/reject decisions following peer review“ weiterlesen

Peer Review: Große Probleme, Reviewer zu finden

Ein Journal hat die Aufnahme von Beiträgen zeitweilig eingestellt, um den Rückstand aufzuarbeiten: Lösungen aus meiner Sicht: Preprint-Server und Open Peer Review.

Von Fake Journals zu Fake News: Ausweg Open Peer Review?

Leonhard Dobusch und Maximilian Heimstädt: Von Fake Journals zu Fake News: Ausweg Open Peer Review?, in: Synergie: Fachmagazin Für Digitalisierung in der Lehre, Heft 5, S. 42-47 Via

Peer Review bei Wellcome Open Research Es funktioniert! Allerdings öffnet die Vorgabe, dass die Autoren die Peer-Reviewer auswählen, dem Missbrauch Tür und Tor. Beispiel für einen noch am ehesten medizinhistorisch zu bezeichnenden Artikel: Miller G. David Stafford-Clark (1916-1999): Seeing through a celebrity psychiatrist [version 1; referees: 3 approved]. Wellcome Open Res 2017, 2:30 (doi: 10.12688/wellcomeopenres.11411.1)

Make reviews public, says peer review expert Irene Hames: I don’t think that saying something is ‘peer reviewed’ can any longer be considered a badge of quality or rigour. The quality of peer review varies enormously, ranging from excellent through poor/inadequate to non-existent. But if reviewers’ reports were routinely published alongside articles – ideally with the authors’ responses and editorial decision … „Make reviews public, says peer review expert“ weiterlesen

What is Open Peer Review?

“Open peer review is an umbrella term for a number of overlapping ways that peer review models can be adapted in line with the ethos of Open Science, including making reviewer and author identities open, publishing review reports and enabling greater participation in the peer review process. The full list of traits is: Open identities: … „What is Open Peer Review?“ weiterlesen

Ist die Zeit für Open Peer Review gekommen? “When Nature launched a trial of open peer review in June 2006, its editors and publishers felt peer review was ‘never perfect’ and the time was right to ‘explore a more participative approach’. But minimal uptake meant that come the end of the trial, Nature director, Timo Hannay, had decided scientists ‘weren’t ready’ for … „Ist die Zeit für Open Peer Review gekommen?“ weiterlesen

Open Peer Review: Antisemitismus im 19. Jahrhundert aus internationaler Perspektive “Die Kommentare werden von den Herausgebern des Bandes erst nach vorheriger Prüfung freigeschaltet. Eine Namensnennung ist erforderlich, anonyme Kommentare werden nicht veröffentlicht. Wir bitten, die im wissenschaftlichen Austausch angebrachte Höflichkeit und Sachlichkeit zu berücksichtigen.” Schade, da kann ich ja nicht mitmachen …