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Orphans: Immenser Aufwand bei diligent search

Heute twitterte Mathias Schindler von der Bundestags-Anhörung zu verwaisten Werken:!/presroi [Heise-Bericht: ] berichtet über eine britische Studie: The study confirmed through ana­ly­sis of a rep­re­sen­ta­tive set of tit­les publis­hed wit­hin the 140 years bet­ween 1870 and 2010, that rights cle­arance of works on an indi­vi­dual, item by item basis is unwor­ka­ble in … „Orphans: Immenser Aufwand bei diligent search“ weiterlesen

Orphan Works – der falsche Weg Wenn US-Universitätsbibliotheken Orphan Works scannen und nur ihren Mitarbeitern und Studenten statt der Allgemeinheit zugänglich machen ist das der falsche Weg, mit dem Problem verwaister Werke umzugehen. Dies vergrößert den “Affiliation gap”, die Kluft zwischen denjenigen, die sich z.B. JSTOR leisten können oder Public-Domain-Bücher in HathiTrust ganz herunterladen dürfen, und denjenigen, die nicht zu … „Orphan Works – der falsche Weg“ weiterlesen

"Orphan works present substantial obstacles for the preservation, use and mass digitisation of our cultural heritage" Excerpt: “A study which has just been conducted by the European Commission funded ARROW project, has reviewed 10 journal titles published each decade between 1890 and 2010. The findings reveal that 31% of all these titles are orphan works. ”

USA: Zahl der verwaisten Werke (Orphans) ist riesig Eine unbedingt lesenswerte Besprechung der Studie von Wilkin anhand von HathiTrust durch Peter Hirtle. ” It is pretty clear to me that Hathi has started building the Digital Public Library of America that others are talking about.” PDF der Studie:

UMich launches project to identify orphan works The University of Michigan Library’s Copyright Office is launching the first serious effort to identify orphan works among the in-copyright holdings of the HathiTrust Digital Library, which is funding the project. The vast majority of HathiTrust’s holdings are in-copyright (73%). An unknown percentage of these are so-called “orphans,” that is, in-copyright works whose owners … „UMich launches project to identify orphan works“ weiterlesen

Orphan works and the public domain

published on Salon Jewish Studies Blog ( ) Peter Brantley (Executive Director for the Digital Library Federation) on The orphan monopoly: “There are a large number of ways that books might fall into orphan status. A quick consultation of Peter Hirtle’s copyright table at Cornell Univ. allows us to see how easy this is. … „Orphan works and the public domain“ weiterlesen

Helpful databases for “Orphan Works”

The University of Texas at Austin’s Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center and the Reading University Library have created Firms Out of Business (FOB), an online database containing the names and addresses of copyright holders or contact persons for out-of-business printing and publishing firms, magazines, literary agencies and similar organizations that have archives housed in libraries … „Helpful databases for “Orphan Works”“ weiterlesen

Orphan works Excerpt: When some librarians at Carnegie Mellon University tried to request permissions to digitize a collection of out-of-print books, they were unable to find more than 20 percent of the rights holders, despite persistent efforts. Failing to locate rights holders can be costly since copyright infringement may be subject to statutory damages of up … „Orphan works“ weiterlesen

US: Orphan works bill introduced Texas Rep Lamar Smith has introduced a bill to clear the way for the re-use of “orphan works” whose authors are unknown or unlocatable. […] “For example, a local civic association may want to include old photographs from the local library archive in their monthly newsletter, but there are no identifying marks on the … „US: Orphan works bill introduced“ weiterlesen

Orphan Works In the world of books, the indefinite extension of copyright has had a perverse effect. It has created a vast collection of works that have been abandoned by publishers, a continent of books left permanently in the dark. In most cases, the original publisher simply doesn’t find it profitable to keep these books in … „Orphan Works“ weiterlesen

UK National Archives: Statement on Orphan Works

4. Is the issue of orphan material economically important and relevant in practice? If yes, what technical, organisational and legal mechanisms could be used to facilitate wider use of this material? Orphan works pose a huge problem for all sorts of people including publishers, broadcasters and authors. TNA has experience of running digitisation projects where … „UK National Archives: Statement on Orphan Works“ weiterlesen

Orphan Works in Europe – Results of the Online Consultation 4.4) Is the issue of orphan material economically important and relevant in practice? If yes, what technical, organisational and legal mechanisms could be used to facilitate wider use of this material? – Several replies indicate that the issue of orphan material is a real problem that may be exacerbated by the convergence of digital … „Orphan Works in Europe – Results of the Online Consultation“ weiterlesen

Orphan Works: Use allowed?,7 After conducting hearings on ths issue of “orphan works” (copyrighted works that are lost to further use because their copyright holders can no longer be traced), the Copyright Office has just issued a report on the hearings, and their recommendations. It’s at I’ve only had time to read the executive summary and skim … „Orphan Works: Use allowed?“ weiterlesen