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Vielleicht schlimmer als im Kreis Siegen-Wittgenstein: British Library ist offline

“I am very sorry to report that the British Library catalogues, including the English Short Title Catalogue (ESTC;, are currently unavailable. Here the official statement: The British Library is experiencing a major technology outage, as a result of a cyber-incident. This is affecting online systems and services, our website, and onsite services including our … „Vielleicht schlimmer als im Kreis Siegen-Wittgenstein: British Library ist offline“ weiterlesen

British Library bans scanning of manuscripts

“Unfortunately our Conservation/Preservation Team have now banned the Scanning of any Manuscript Material held in the British Library Collection and we do not have a Microfilm Surrogate of this Manuscript. If you wish to proceed with this order we will need to amend it to Photography (Digital Image for Reproduction) the cost will be £26.04 … „British Library bans scanning of manuscripts“ weiterlesen

British Library MS Add. 25089 gehörte einer Nürnberger Seelschwester in der Stöpselgasse

Weder der Handschriftencensus noch der KdiH haben die Herkunft der mit 12 lavierten Federzeichnungen geschmückten geistlichen Sammelhandschrift (Heinrich von St. Gallen, Passionsstraktat u.a.) in der British Library MS Add. 25089 angegeben. Der Besitzeintrag Bl. 1v lautet: “Der passian ist der katherina Kergin selswester jm stopffel geßlein vnd nach yrem tod sal man es geben jn … „British Library MS Add. 25089 gehörte einer Nürnberger Seelschwester in der Stöpselgasse“ weiterlesen

British Library’s Scholarly Communications Toolkit

NEW! Check out the BL Scholarly Communications Toolkit. A series of introductory guides to different aspects of scholarly communications, and editable files so you can adjust the content to your own organisation's needs. All available under a CCBY license. — British Library Open Research (@BLopenresearch) July 26, 2021

Erschließung der Harley-Manuskripte der British Library geht voran “Clarck Drieshen describes the recent discovery of a 14th-century Latin manuscript from France (Harley MS 3723) that contains previously unknown copies of the universal chronicle of the French Dominican friar Gerald of Frachet (1205–1271) (a history of the world from the Creation up to his own time) and a text on the ancient female … „Erschließung der Harley-Manuskripte der British Library geht voran“ weiterlesen